Monday, April 29, 2013


Studies done over the past decade have concluded that massage is an effective treatment for reducing stress, pain and muscle tension.

I'm Rik Francis, an experienced masseur specialising in man to man and gay massage in Auckland. If you want to experience one of my therapeutic massages incorporating sensual touching, please call or text me on 021 109 1058. I can also be found on 550 4287

While more research is needed to confirm the other benefits of massage, some studies have found a caring, well executed massage may also be helpful for reducing anxiety, digestive disorders and headaches. My guys report improved sleep the week following a visit to me, so I can safely say insomnia is reduced and even eliminated after their bodies have responded to the careful touching I use on them.

Some progressive European medical practitioners recommend massage as part of their patient's health maintenance. Sensual touching adds pleasure to the health giving benefit so why not try a sensual touch therapeutic massage and see for yourself why it is becoming increasingly popular with men who like the touch from another man.

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