Sunday, September 29, 2013

Man to Man Touching

When a man touches another man, there is an erotic dynamic that is quite different from a female to male touch. Why is this?

I'm Rik Rrancis an internationally experienced masseur. I specialise in man to man and gay massage in Auckland. I can be reached on 021 109 1058 and 550 4287.

To answer the question. The reason man to man touching is so rewarding is because the man touching, in this case the masseur, understands what his male client is feeling because he has the same response when touched in each specific area himself. To put it another way, a female can't understand how sensitive the area around the genitals is because it is not part of her experience. For this reason man to man touching during a sensual massage, is more rewarding for the client. I also really enjoy using my hands to relax my clients in the most pleasurable way possible. One guy said it was like making love to him with my hands.

Most of the guys who come to me are married men who complain that their wives don't know how to touch them erotically. I also get guys with girlfriends who have the same problem. I've even written 'GUIDE TO SENSUAL TOUCH MASSAGE' to explain how it's done and the benefits it provides.

A truly satisfying man to man massage is rewarding as well as being beneficial to your overall well being. Make an appointment and see for yourself how good it feels. I'm offering a 'Spring Special' at the moment so pop by.

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