Saturday, March 2, 2013


I'm Rik Francis and specialise in man to man gay massage in Auckland. I can be reached on 021 109 1058 and 550 4287. I've had an interest in touch therapy for a number of years. The most effective way to receive the numerous benefits of touch is through a good massage from an experienced masseur.
The ancient Egyptians valued massage and regarded it as one of the greatest gifts a person could give to another.  Massage helps reduce stress as well as stimulate circulation. This can help reduce pain and help the body heal any condition that is affected by poor circulation. Cold feet and hands are good indicators that the circulation is not what it should be.
During a good massage, you'll actually feel a pleasant calmness envelop your body. At the end of it, you'll feel so relaxed that often you want to go to sleep. Needless to say, a great night's sleep usually follows a massage. I always advise my guys to lie for five minutes after the massage to allow the body to adjust to the previous hour's touching and stimulation.
A massage always heightens the sensitivity of the nerve endings so any part of the body that is massaged will feel more responsive than usual. Adding sensual touching to the therapeutic touch adds even more pleasure to the treatment. Sensual touching is a specialised module of massage and is becoming increasingly popular especially with man to man gay massage. It is a truly pleasurable, health giving experience and something you deserve to enjoy.

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