Monday, April 29, 2013


Studies done over the past decade have concluded that massage is an effective treatment for reducing stress, pain and muscle tension.

I'm Rik Francis, an experienced masseur specialising in man to man and gay massage in Auckland. If you want to experience one of my therapeutic massages incorporating sensual touching, please call or text me on 021 109 1058. I can also be found on 550 4287

While more research is needed to confirm the other benefits of massage, some studies have found a caring, well executed massage may also be helpful for reducing anxiety, digestive disorders and headaches. My guys report improved sleep the week following a visit to me, so I can safely say insomnia is reduced and even eliminated after their bodies have responded to the careful touching I use on them.

Some progressive European medical practitioners recommend massage as part of their patient's health maintenance. Sensual touching adds pleasure to the health giving benefit so why not try a sensual touch therapeutic massage and see for yourself why it is becoming increasingly popular with men who like the touch from another man.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


There are many reasons for people to have a massage. Some have pains they want to get rid of. Others want to relieve the stress they feel in their body. However, I've found there is a growing number of men who just want to experience the pleasure of male touch in a non threatening atmosphere and private, safe environment.

I'm Rik Francis and am an experienced masseur specialising in man to man and gay massage in Auckland. You can contact me on 021 109 1058 and 550 4287. I am trained in both therapeutic and sensual touch massages and am recognised for incorporating both techniques in the one highly satisfying massage.

Comments I get from first timer clients range from "I feel so relaxed. That was fantastic!" to "I was shy about getting onto a table and being touched but you made me feel really comfortable and I really enjoyed the experience." Another common remark is "The hour went by so fast."

Regular massage has become part of a growing number of people's lives as they realise the health benefits of therapeutic touch. New Zealander's are a way behind Europeans when it comes to enjoying regular massage but once you have experienced the restful sleep and overall feeling of well being, I'm confident you'll want to add massage to your schedule. Many of my clients try and have a massage once a month.

Rik 021 109 1058 and 550 4287

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Married Men and Male to Male Massage

I've discovered from my experience with massaging hundreds of men , there are many married guys who desire another man's touch.

I'm Rik Francis an experienced masseur in man to man massage in Auckland. I can be reached on 021 109 1058 and 550 4287.

I'm confident in saying that 85% of my clients are married men or have girlfriends. There is a certain dynamic that happens when a man touches another one. In a massage situation, there is no worry about expectation or performance from the client. He just needs to surrender to the health giving pleasure it provides.

Sensual massage is the most pleasurable of all massages and my clients return because they have discovered a unique experience that can't be replicated with a wife or girlfriend. The guys give me their bodies 100% and don't have to work to receive. They just relax and enjoy the wonderful feelings they experience with a sensual massage. I was trained in 'sensual touch technique' and it is this I incorporate into the standard therapeutic massage. There are specific procedures I must follow to produce the right outcome that a sensual touch massage was created to provide.

The results of a well executed sensual touch relaxing massage are twofold: improved circulation and a feeling of total satisfaction and well being. Try it, you'll see what I mean.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What is Sensual Touch Massage?

What is a sensual touch massage? I'm Rik Francis and I specialise in man to man and gay massage in Auckland. I can be reached on 021 109 1058 and 550 4287.

I get asked this question more than any other. I have spoken about this before but it seems time to talk about it again. A good massage is done with firm pressure on the body.  Sensual touch involves light sweeps across the body with the  fingertips. The sweeps are similar to applying paint with a paintbrush. The action is called 'feathering' and alternating this  with a standard pressure results in a great massage. All parts of the body including the sensitive areas are 'feathered' at specific times during the full body massage. This takes an hour  to complete. The carefully timed changes in pressure and touching style is what makes the sensual touch massage so pleasurable and satisfying.

A standard therapeutic massage stimulates the blood flow. Adding sensual touch to the massage intensifies the feelings as the body becomes more sensitive and responsive to this type of touch. It's this sensitivity that makes the experience of a sensual touch massage for men so pleasurable. Clients declare my sensual touch therapeutic massage is the best massage for well being and satisfaction.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Best Man to Man Massage

I'm Rik, specialising in man to man and gay massage in Auckland (021 109 1058 and 550 4287 are my numbers for a booking) As an experienced, certified body worker, I am able to work professionally on parts of the body that are tight or sore. With more people sitting in front of computers for hours at a time each day, it's not surprising that I have a large number of guys coming with tight backs. The stiffness is usually located between the shoulder blades. Some of them arrive complaining of lower back pain but often this is referred pain from the stiffness further up the back. 

The shoulder area is also a common place for stiffness. Calf muscles and outer thigh muscles, come in a close third for stiffness and 'knots'. I work on whatever area you might need relaxing, as this is part of a great full body massage.

I use my skills to knead the tightness and 'knots' away. You will feel this happening as the stiffness disappears. (It takes around six hours to feel the full benefits of a good massage. A great sleep is the most noticeable benefit)

Target massaging is included in my hour long full body sensual touch massages. If there are knots in the body, I'll dissolve them so a visit to me can produce three fold benefits.
1) dissolving 'knots' to remove stiffness.
2) relax the body with the therapeutic technique. This stimulates blood flow thus helping circulation.
3) providing pleasure and a feeling of well being from the sensual touch technique I have been trained in providing.

Rik 021 109 1058 and 550 4287

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


When you watch a natural histoy programme on TV featuring animals in the wild, you'll notice how often they touch each other. Monkeys are particularly into fondling and preening each other. Elephants and bears also like gentle physical contact.

I'm Rik Francis an experienced masseur who has studied the art of touching. I offer man to man and gay massage in Auckland and can be reached on 021 109 1058 or 550 4287. 

Because humans have animal instincts, we also like to touch and be touched. Research into people who grew up as abandoned children in East European orphanages has shown many suffer from psychological problems. This has led medical experts to the conclusion that these unfortunate people have been deeply affected by the lack of nurturing in the first few years of their life. It's also been discovered that a percentage of criminals were also deprived of loving touch as children.

In Western society, it's frowned on for men to touch each other with affection. However, it's common to see men holding hands in Middle Eastern cities as well as places like Rome and Paris. It's also accepted in the Pacific Islands for men to hold hands as a show of friendship.
Massage is a way for men to get the touching their bodies need. The dynamics of man to man touching is different from female to male touching. It has been said that man to man touching is more satisfying and rewarding. I'm not sure why this is but I can say that most of my clients are married men who thirst to be touched by another man. 

Treat yourself to a sensual touch massage and you'll see why it has become so popular in the west over the past decade.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


It's common for singing stars to take a masseur with them when they are on tour. It's also something top businessmen invest in on a regular basis. These people understand the instant benefits a good massage gives them. The most obvious benefit is a reduction in stress.

I'm Rik Francis, an experienced masseur specialising in man to man and gay massage in Auckland. I can be reached on 021 109 1058 and 550 4287.

A common statement I hear as soon as I've finished a therapeutic or sensual massage on a guy is "I feel really relaxed."  "I feel great!" and "Wow! my back isn't stiff any more."  It can take a couple of hours to feel the difference in the body after a good full body massage. This feeling of well being can last a week or so. This is another reason performers, sportsmen and top executives have regular massages. It's recommended that to keep the body in top condition, you should have a massage every two weeks.

Massage helps the blood to flow normally as well as stimulating the circulation. This in turn helps the body function optimally. It is also a great aid for sound sleep. My regular clients report that they sleep really well the night after a massage and this restful sleep carries on for a week or longer if they are not experiencing undue stress in their work lives.

The ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans regarded a massage as one of the best gifts they could receive. Treat yourself to my magic hands and experience yourself why massage has been around for so many centuries.

I can be reached on 021 109 1058 and 550 4287.